Saturday, June 14, 2008

New IPhone 3G– Will the navigation application work in India ?

Apple has finally incorporated GPS chip in new IPhone 3G, This was the top wish list point of the users after seeing IPhone 1.0 , looks like apple could not ignore price point sensitivity this time , a 199 $ device will surely capture the imagination of mass market.

In India both Vodafone & AirTEL have announced that they will bring IPhone to India in July, although grey market is flushed with the IPhone 1.0’s. I am curious on how these carriers will price this device, particularly in context of Apples statement that $199 price point is applicable only in US.

Interesting to watch is also the availability of value added services from the carriers. Most importantly the Navigation application with turn- to- turn navigation & Loopt , location based community network tool. There’s a rumor that tomtom supplied navigation application, with a new dispensation; tomtom’s acquisition of TeleAtlas, this arrangement has new dimensions. Its still not clear, whose maps these applications connect; Google, AirTEL Navteq (now NOKIA) Tele Atlas??.

The highest probability is that the application uses Google maps; by far the most detailed and accurate maps available in India. Compelling reason for this may be that both navigation application & Loopt connect to goggle maps for their location based services in US, It would be easier to replicate these services here in India. And Google is way ahead in creating accurate content for India….

Google itself had a free light weight navigation application for download a year back; I do not see that link now. Looks like they have abandoned this application….
I am sure, iphone 2.0 ,when right priced, would eatup significant market share of NOKIA’s high-end devices.

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